Licensed Mental Health Counselor in independent private practice. Center for Mental Health Education, Assessment and Therapy, Tampa, Florida, specializing in treating adolescents and young adults, adult children of alcoholics and other high stress families, survivors of childhood abuse, sexual abuse, and sexual assault. I provide individual and group psychotherapy, and forensic assessment/consultation. National and State of Florida tests passed. November 1990 to present.
More than 1200 hours of post-doctoral training in psychology, psychotherapy/mental health counseling, forensic evaluation, etc. Complete listing of workshops taken, dates, instructors, and Continuing Education Credits can be found on my Addendum to CV.
Certified in Hypnosis by the National Board for Clinical Hypnotherapists and in Neuro Linguistic Programming (Practitioner Level) by the Southern Institute of NLP.
Court-appointed expert in matters relating to homicide, violence, and juveniles and families in Florida Circuit Courts and in various jurisdictions across the United States (see CV Addendum for additional information). February 1985 to present.
Retained by former Governor Chiles and the Florida Parole Commission in matters related to clemency.
Qualified as a criminologist and an expert to testify in psychology, criminology, adolescent homicide and parricide, child abuse, dysfunctional family, psychotherapy, personality assessment, mental health counseling, and forensic evaluation in Florida Circuit Courts and in various jurisdictions across the United States (see CV Addendum for additional information).
Participant in Practicum in Counseling and Psychotherapysupervised by Roy Persons, Ph.D., an internationally recognized Humanistic Gestalt therapist. October 1989 through May 1990.
Co-Therapist for a Group of Adult Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, Tampa, Florida. Therapy group dealt with the effects of childhood victimization in adult life. Goals included increasing self-esteem and developing better coping skills and strategies. Instruments were devised to measure therapy outcomes, April 1990 to April 1993.
Co-Leader of "generic 12 step program" for Women Offenders. I implemented this program in the Women's Work Release Center, Tampa, Florida. This group met weekly and introduced the women to the 12 step approach utilized by such organizations as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Al Anon, etc., October 1987 to January 1990.
Co-Leader of Counseling Groups for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families, Tampa, Florida. The group focused on identifying issues common to those raised in chemically-dependent or other dysfunctional families. Emphasis was placed on accepting responsibility for one's life, goal-setting, developing more effective coping skills and strategies, and increasing self-esteem. September 1985 to December 1990.
Crisis Counselor, Hillsborough County Rape Crisis Center. Provided counseling and support to rape victims during examination at the hospital immediately following their assault. January 1984 to December 1984.
Participant in graduate school practicum. Under the supervision of clinical psychologist, Marguerite Q. Warren, Ph.D., (pioneer in the development of I-Level), I trained probation staff in Sante Fe, New Mexico in conducting and evaluating clinical interviews with restitution program candidates. Following the training, I routinely evaluated tapes of staff interviews. January 1979 through May 1979.