Member, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 79, Tampa, Florida.August 1998 to present.
Secretary of Records, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 79, for calendar years 2007, 2008, and 2009.
Active participant in Operations -- Involved in ongoing training to assist in Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations. Involved in port security and homeland security issues; Spring 1999 –current.
Federal government security clearance granted.
Certified Crew, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Fall 1998/Spring 1999. Re-certified for three year terms, 2001, 2004, 2007.
Certified Coxswain, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.Qualified for 3 year term as of September 2008.
Mentor, Crew Training, 12 week course. Spring 2008, Spring 2010.
Mentor, Coxswain Training, 12 week course, Fall 2009.
Certified Instructor, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Involved in year round instructional program on boating safety. Certified in instruction, Fall 2006, currently serving.
Certified Aids to Navigations Verifier, December 2009, currently serving.
Select Coast Guard Auxiliary classes taken include Navigation test, Incident Command Systems (ICT 100,200,210,700,800), Tactical Command Training (8 hours) plus one hour yearly updates, Harbor Patrol Training (8 hours plus updates), CPR for the Professional Rescuer (8/18/07), Sexual Harassment Training, Hazwooper (Hazardous Waste and Emergency Operations) Training, Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings Awareness Level Training Course, and Auxiliary Operations -- Seamanship Course.