Member of the Hillsborough County Sexual Abuse Treatment Center (SATC) Board of Directors, Tampa, Florida. This agency, formerly the Rape Crisis Center, trains its own staff of nurses to conduct examinations of rape victims and provides counseling and support services to rape victims. In addition to the nurse examiner and crisis intervention programs, the SATC provides long-term counseling to rape and incest victims, their families, and offenders. The SATC also has strong educational and community outreach functions. I reviewed operating procedures and policies of SATC with respect to service delivery, educational and community service functions, and budgetary and personnel matters, April 1983 to March 1987.
Member of Hillsborough County Crisis Center Council Board of Directors, Tampa, Florida. Served as a representative of the Sexual Abuse Treatment Center to review on a quarterly basis operating procedures and future development of the Crisis Center, which is composed of three agencies, Psychiatric Emergency and Admissions Services, Suicide and Crisis Center, and SATC. October 1983 to March 1987. Reappointed to the Board in August 1990, resigned April 1991.
Member of the Hillsborough County Constituency for Children Board of Directors, Tampa, Florida. The Constituency's mission is to ensure that money allocated for children's services is spent wisely and that cooperation among agencies serving children is fostered. April 1992 to present.
Member of the Hillsborough County Task Force on Prostitution, Tampa, Florida. Served as a consultant with respect to the development of a multifaceted program designed to give female offenders an alternative to continued involvement in prostitution. March 1987 to January 1990.
Member of Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce Community Security Council, Tampa, Florida. The Council's purpose is to make recommendations to the legislature particularly regarding the County's need for additional resources in six areas of concern: courts, jail overcrowding, juvenile crime, victim assistance, citizen involvement, and drug and alcohol abuse. I provided technical assistance as a member of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse subcommittee. March 1986 to September 1989.
Member of Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce Children and Youth Council, Tampa, Florida. The Council's purpose is to provide practical and concrete information to Chamber members to help them find creative solutions to problems affecting employees and their children in the workplace. I provided technical assistance as a member of the Child Abuse Subcommittee. October 1989 to December 1990.
Member of Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce Anti-Drug Task Force, Tampa, Florida. The Task Force's purpose is to coordinate the efforts of various Chamber Councils re: drug education, effective intervention strategies and resources, and law enforcement issues and concerns. October 1989 to December 1990.
Member of the Florida Sentencing Commission. The Commission evaluates sentencing policies and laws, and makes recommendations to the Governor and to the legislature. Appointed by Governor Chiles to a two year term in June 1994. Reappointed in February 1997. Sentence commission abolished in 1999.
Member of the Tampa Bay Association for Women Therapists Executive Board. The Association is devoted to enhancing the clinical practice of its members. Elected to Executive Board in October 1995. Served as President-Elect (96-97), President (97-98), and Immediate Past President (98-99).
Member of the Board of Directors for Northside Treatment Program for Delinquent Girls. Advised program staff on treatment and programmatic issues. Appointed July 1998 to July 2001.
Member of the Board of Directors, AMI Kids -- Tampa, formerly known as Tampa Marine Institute (TMI). TMI provides treatment and educational services to youths at low and medium risk for delinquency. June 2004 to present.
Member of the FBI Citizen’s Academy Alumni Association. Involved in bringing crime-related lectures to public. Fall 2006 to present.
Member, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 79, Tampa, Florida. August 1998 to present. (See link and section entitled U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.)