University at Albany, State University of New York, School of Criminal Justice,
The Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, May 1982.
Field of Study: Criminal Justice
Concentration: Personality Assessment, Mental Health Law, Theories
of Crime, Psychological Criminology, Research and Statistics
Dissertation Title: Classification of Offenders Ordered to Make
Restitution by Interpersonal Maturity Level and by Specific Personality Dimensions.
Honors: Presidential Award for a Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation;
Letter of Commendation for Outstanding Academic Career from Dean, Graduate School
of Criminal Justice, on behalf of the Faculty, Graduate School of Criminal Justice,
December 1981; Dissertation Award 1981; Graduate Fellowships Awarded 1977-1978,
1978-1979, 1979-1980
University at Albany, State University of New York, School of Criminal Justice,
May 1978.
Field of Study: Criminal Justice
Honors: Graduate Fellowship 1977-1978
Vassar College, May 1976.
Major: Psychology
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa; Departmental Honors in Psychology; General
Excellence Distinction Awarded at Commencement
Specialized Courses taken as an undergraduate and credited towards Bachelor's
Degree from Vassar: Criminology and criminal law courses taken at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York, September
1974-May 1975.
Honors: Dean's List.
Education in cross-cultural perspectives of criminology and social problems,
University of London, Birkbeck College, Summer 1974