Faculty Senator. I was elected and served a three year term as a CAS Representative to the Faculty Senate, 1999-2002. I was appointed by the Faculty Senate President to serve as a member of the Faculty Senate Search Committee for the USF President, 1999-2000. I served a fourth year (2002-2003) acting as a substitute member for a faculty member who was on medical leave.
Faculty Member of the University Leadership Team, 1997-2001. I was recommended by the Faculty Senate and appointed by President Betty Castor in October 1997 to serve as one of two faculty representatives to the University’s Leadership Team. The leadership team led by the President was composed of upper management leaders, including vice presidents, deans, and regional CEO’s. The council typically met monthly to discuss major issues facing the university and to develop policy and strategies consistent with USF’s emerging profile as a Research 1 University. During my four year appointment as faculty representative, I served under four presidents (Betty Castor, Richard Peck, Tom Tighe, and Judy Genshaft) and three provosts (Michael Kovacs, Tom Tighe, and David Stamps).
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Program Development, College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), August 2001-June 2003. This Associate Dean is considered the Executive Associate Dean or the second-in-command in CAS. When the Dean was away from campus, I served as the Acting Dean. I handled all matters pertaining to the College’s 500 tenured, tenure-earning, instructor, and visiting faculty. The responsibility for this position included determining the allocation of new faculty positions for departments, faculty recruitment and hiring. These matters included deciding which departments get new positions, recruitment and hiring (including issues related to diversity of faculty), tenure and promotion, mid-tenure review, faculty development, mentoring, faculty governance, grievances, disciplinary matters, sabbaticals and leaves, and honors and awards, including emeritus distinction.
Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), July 2003-February 2005. In my capacity of Interim Dean, I was responsible for all operations of the college. CAS has 27 academic departments (in social and behavioral sciences, life and physical sciences, the humanities, and professional schools) and 16 centers and institutes. CAS has over 17,000 majors enrolled in 65 majors or concentrations, 36 masters programs, and 14 doctoral programs. The College has an operating budget of over $50 million and employs approximately 500 faculty and 150 staff. During my tenure as Interim Dean, I had overall responsibility for budget allocations for fiscal years 2003/04 and 2004/05.