Academic Achievements and Awards
Vassar College
University at Albany
Teaching and Service Awards Received as a Professor at the University of South Florida (USF).
The Outstanding Professor Award for Teaching Excellence, 1982-1983, presented by the Senior Class Committee at Commencement, May 1983.
1985 Alumni Professor Award for "Outstanding Dedication to Higher Education and Humanity" presented by the USF Alumni Association at Honors Convocation, October 1985, in recognition of major contributions to the University by faculty who have been at USF less than five years ($1,000 award).
The Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award upon the recommendation of the USF Honors and Awards Council, June 1988 ($2,000 award).
The Teaching Enhancement Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching upon the recommendation of the Dean of the College of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the Provost of the University, May 1990 ($5,000 Award).
The Teaching Incentive Program Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching upon the recommendation of the Faculty Development Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, the CAS Deans, and the Provost of the University, February 1994 ($5,000 Salary Increase.)
Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teacher Award for 1995, presented to Kathleen M. Heide "in recognition of her innovative teaching skills, enthusiastic style, consummate professionalism, and her vision and originality in motivating students" upon the recommendation of the Honors, Awards and Commencement Committee of USF and the USF Provost, October 1995 ($1,000 Award).
Additional Awards Received in Support and Recognition of Teaching Activities
Crime and Justice in America under my leadership and instruction received the 1995 Southern Sunshine Video Festival Award in the Documentary category. (There were 160 entries in this category.)
Obtained over $3000 in support from NCNB for the Tampa Educational Cable Consortium to underwrite the complete cost of three of the fall semester 1992 televised programs in Crime and Justice in America. NCNB also agreed to reimburse the Criminology Department $280 for departmental expenses incurred.
Received a $500 award from the University Lecture Series in fall 1991 to cover travel expenses for Justice Rosemary Barkett to speak in Crime and Justice in America during Women's Awareness Week in March 1992.
Recognition for Research and Scholarship by the University of South Florida
President's Faculty Award for Excellence. Award given to 10 percent of faculty judged by department chairs, colleges, and university committees to be top faculty at USF, a major research university. Award carried significant salary increase. January 2003.
Elected as an Honorary Member of the Golden Key Honor Society at the University of South Florida, 1993.
Elected as a Faculty Member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi at the University of South Florida, November, 2003.
Elected to Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society, Tampa Bay Chapter, upon the nomination of Dr. Susan Bell, USF Professor of Biology and Dr. Thomas Wade, USF Professor of Electrical Engineering, April 2004.
My first book, Why Kids Kill Parents, was featured in the Summer 1992 issue of USF Alumni Magazine.
My second book, Young Killers, was featured in USF Alumni Magazine, Fall 1998.
My third book, Animal Cruelty: Pathway to Violence Against People, co-authored with Linda Merz-Perez, was featured in USF Magazine, Spring 2004.
One of three faculty chosen by the USF Provost to participate in the Fall Series of the The Brain Event, Co-Sponsored by the USF Office of the Provost and The Tampa Tribune, October 1990. I highlighted findings and conclusions from my book entitled Why Kids Kill Parents in a one hour presentation made to the USF and Tampa Bay Communities.
Invited to give one hour presentation on Why Kids Kill Parentsto Tampa Bay Business and Community Leaders as Part of "Lunch with a Genius" Program, March 9, 1994. (Feature Writer Judy Hill devoted her entire column to my talk in March 11, 1994 edition of Tampa Tribune -- Front Page, Baylife Sec.
Invited to give 45 minute presentation on Young Killers to Tampa Bay Business and Community Leaders as Part of "Lunch with a Scholar" Program, January 26, 2000.
Awarded a one year sabbatical to pursue research on juvenile homicide, academic year August 1995 through May 1996.
Research Awards or Grants Received as a Professor at the University of South Florida (USF).
USF Division of Sponsored Research, Faculty Scholarship and Creative Scholarship Research Fund. $4,997 award re: empirical assessment of adolescent murderers, academic year 1981-82.
USF Division of Sponsored Research, Foreign Travel Assistance Program. $447 award for presentation and consultations with federal government agency staff in Toronto, Canada re: empirical assessment of adolescent murderers, academic year 1982-83.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty Research Enhancement Funds. $1,000 award re: empirical assessment of adolescent murderers, academic year 1983-84.
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty Research and Development Fund. $1,000 award re: empirical assessment of adolescent murderers, academic year 1984-85.
College of Arts and Sciences, Faculty Development Committee Funds. $500 award for travel funds to participate in a Workshop on Clinical Hypnosis sponsored by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis - Education and Research Foundation, Orlando, Florida, academic year 1992-93.
USF Division of Sponsored Research, Foreign Travel Assistance Program. $1200 award for presentation of paper on typology of trauma at International Congress of Law and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada, June 1999.
Sage Publications, manuscript preparation grant for Young Killers, awarded 1996.
AltaMira Press, manuscript preparation grant for Animal Cruelty: Pathway to Violence Against People, awarded 2003.
Oxford University Press, manuscript preparation grant for Parricide: When Sons and Daughters Kill Parents, awarded 2004.
USF College of Arts and Sciences, Research Award for International Travel, December 2005.
USF Research Council, Faculty International Travel Award, December 2006.
National and International Recognition for Scholarship
Elected to full membership status in the American Psychological Association in recognition of "significant contribution or performance in the field of psychology," October 1990.
Invited by Queen Sofia of Spain to present research on juvenile homicide at the International Meeting on the Biology and Sociology of Violence: Youth Violence, in, Valencia, Spain, October, 2004.
Requests for reprints of my articles on homicide, parricide, child abuse / family violence have come from scholars, practitioners, and students throughout the United States and abroad, including Canada, England, France, Spain, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, the Soviet Union, Israel, Japan, Mexico, Columbia, Chile, and other countries in South America and Africa.
My work has also been featured in national and international media outlets. I have been a frequent consultant on matters relating to juvenile crime and youth violence to the national print and electronic media (including Newsweek, U.S. News and World Reports, Psychology Today, New York Times, U.S.A. Today, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, and Washington Post), and numerous international newspapers and magazine feature articles (including Facts and Epoca', Switzerland's and Brazil's equivalents of Newsweek). I have also appeared as an expert on many national talk and news shows including Larry King Live, CNN, Good Morning America, Fox News.
Member of "the Honors Committee," Board of Directors, Fundacion Altarriba: Amigos
de los Animales, Barcelona Spain, October 2004 to present.
Awards Presented in Recognition of Professional Service by Community Organizations
"A Testimonial of Sincere Appreciation" presented "in recognition of your unselfish service to the Hillsborough County Crisis Center," 1983-1987.
Recognized as a "Friend of the Center" by the Hillsborough County Sexual Abuse Treatment Center for service as a member of the Board of Directors, 1983-1987.
Award presented "In appreciation for your exemplary service on the Children's Board Analysis Team" by the Hillsborough Constituency for Children, Inc., September 1993.
Certificate "In Appreciation of Dedication & Service" as President -- 1997-1998, presented by the Tampa Bay Association for Women Psychotherapists, October 3, 1999.
Recognition for Service by United States Coast Guard
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard "Auxiliary Membership Service Award presented for five years of dedicated service as a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary," August 23, 2003.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard "Auxiliary Annual Service Performance Award" presented in appreciation for outstanding volunteer contributions for 2006 Operations.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard "Auxiliary Performance Award" presented in appreciation of outstanding volunteer contributions for Operations in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, 2007.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary "Certificate of Appreciation" for outstanding cooperation and assistance in furthering the purposes and principles of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, January-December 2007.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard "Auxiliary Membership Service Award presented for 10 years of dedicated service as a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary," August 25, 2008.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Division Seven Honor Roll -- Special Certificate of Appreciation Awarded to Kathleen Heide (79) for 594 hours of service presented by the Division Commander for Providing Outstanding Service and Support during 2008.
U.S. Coast Guard Sustained Auxiliary Service First Award" for "Valued Service in the U.S. C.G. Auxiliary" (750 hours of service), May 5, 2009.
Ribbons Received
Honors/Awards Received in Recognition of Overall Achievement
Recognized as a Distinguished Alumna by the School of Criminal Justice, University of Albany, State University of New York, May 2007.
Selected for biographical inclusion in the Second Edition of Five Thousand Personalities of the World, a publication that recognizes leaders who have served their field with distinction by the Governing Board of Editors, American Biographical Institute, Inc., May 1989.
Selected for biographical inclusion in multiple editions of Who's Who in America, including the Millennium edition, 2000.
Invited to join Athena Society, a professional
organization of distinguished women in the Tampa Bay area, May 2009.
A separate document entitled Addendum to CV contains detailed information regarding the following areas: