Department of Criminology. I have served on many committees in the Department of Criminology related to program evaluation, budgetary considerations, search committees, Ph.D. program, annual evaluation of faculty, selection of adjunct faculty, purchase of equipment, tenure and promotion, undergraduate curriculum, and scientific review. I have also served as an elected member of the Executive Member (two terms) and the Chair of the Annual Faculty Evaluation Committee, as well as department representative for the College's Faculty/Staff Scholarship Fund and for the United Way. In addition to department responsibilities, I have served on many College and University committees.
College Committees. I served as a member of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Undergraduate Advisory Council (1982-1985) and as a member Task Force on Faculty Governance and Chairperson of the Budget Subcommittee, 1983-1984. I have served as member of several College of Arts and Sciences committees, including the Tenure and Promotion Committee, 1991-1993 (Chairperson 1992-1993); Honors and Awards Council, 1993-1995 (Chairperson, 1994-1995); PEP Award Committee, 1996-1998 (Co-Chairperson, 1998); Salary Equity Committee, Spring 1998; and College Advisory Council, 1998-2000 (Chairperson, 1999-2000). I served as a delegate and Chairperson of the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences (CBCS) governance document Ratification Committee in 2009, and as a member of Social Work Director Search Committee and Research and Scholarship Committee, 2009-2010.
University Committees and Service. I served as a member of the University Honors Council (1987-1989) and as Chairperson of the Search Committee to Select Special Assistant to the President on Women's Issues (Spring 1992). I served as Chairperson of the CAS discipline subcommittee and as Chairperson of the College of Education discipline subcommittee to evaluate candidates for Distinguished University Professor status( Spring 1999 and Spring 2000, respectively). I also served as a member of the Search Committee for the Director of Media Relations, (Spring/Summer 2000) and as a member of the Provost Search Committee (2000-2001). I served as a member of the University Leadership Council from 1997 to 2001. I served as a member of the University Leadership Council from 1997 to 2001. I have also served as a mentor to junior faculty and, upon the invitation of college deans and the Faculty Union, provided guidance and assistance on tenure and promotion matters to faculty across the university (1993 to present).
Faculty Governance. I was elected and served a three year term as a CAS Representative to the Faculty Senate (1999-2002). I was appointed by the Faculty Senate President to serve as a member of the Faculty Senate Search Committee for the USF President, 1999-2000.