Quoted in dozens of national and international newspapers (including the New York Times, U.S.A. Today, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Denver Post, Orlando Sentinel, Dallas Morning News, Miami Herald) and in many national and international magazines, including Newsweek, U.S. News & World Reports, Psychology Today, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, Oprah magazine, CosmoGirl!, Epoca(Brazil), Facts(Switzerland).
Invited expert on Larry King Live, CNN& Company, CNN, Fox News (New York),
Good Morning America, Geraldo, Jane Whitney Show (Fox, New York), Maury
Povich Show, Sally Jesse Rafael, Justice Files, Court TV, and Rivera at
Consultant to ABC World News Tonight, New York, Home Box Office, Dateline, Oprah,
Primetime Live, A&E Biography, 48 Hours, Revolution Earth Productions, Paramount Pictures/Kennedy
Marshall Company, Tampa Educational Cable Consortium, Tampa, Florida, Florida West
Coast Public Broadcasting, Inc. (WEDU, Channel 3), Tampa, Florida, and Redback Films,
Frequent contributor to local new stories printed in the Tampa Tribune and St. Petersburg
Many on camera interviews with local news stations including Channel 8, 10, 13,
28, and 44 (major network affiliations).
on many radio station including several in Tampa, Las Vegas, Miami, Florida;
Mobile, Alabama; Denver, Colorado; Kentucky, Toronto, and Montreal.