Heide, K. M. (1980). Classification of Offenders by Interpersonal Maturity Level and by Specific Personality Characteristics. Fourth National Symposium on Restitution, Minneapolis, MN, September. Available on Microfiche from National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Rockville, MA 20850.
Heide, K. M. & Van Voorhis, P. (1981). Highlights of an Empirical Assessment of the Relationship of I-level and Moral Judgment to Restitution Outcome. Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November.
Heide, K. M. (1982). An Empirical Assessment of the Gains Made Using Personality Data, Alone and in Combination, with Demographic, Social, and Prior Record Data. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, KY, March.
Heide, K. M. (1982). Kids Who Kill: A New Breed or An Old Problem? Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada, November.
Heide, K. M. (1983). The Insanity Defense: Abolish It, Change It, or Leave It Alone? Florida Criminal Justice Educators Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, January.
Heide, K. M. (1983). Classification of Adolescent Murderers by Interpersonal Maturity Level. Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, CO, November.
Heide, K. M. (1984). A Preliminary Identification of Types of Adolescent Murderers. Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Cincinnati, OH, November.
Heide, K. M. (1984). A Taxonomy of Homicides: Motivational Dynamics Behind the Act. Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Cincinnati, OH, November.
Heide, K. M. (1985). Parricide: An In-Depth Examination of the Prototypical Case. Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA, November.
Heide, K. M. (1986). Parricide: When Kids Kill Parents. Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, November.
Heide, K. M. (1987). Parricide: Nationwide Incidence and Correlates. Thirty-Ninth Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Montreal, Canada, November.
Heide, K. M. (1988). Parricide Committed by Adolescents: Retrospective Interpretation and Identification of High Risk Subjects. Fortieth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November.
Heide, K. M., McCann, D., & Solomon, E. P. (1989). Treatment Considerations and Intervention Strategies with Adolescent Parricide Offenders. Forty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Reno, NV, November.
Heide, K. M. (1990). A Typology of Parricide Offenders. Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Baltimore, MA, November.
Solomon, E. P. & Heide, K. M. (1990). Intervention Strategies for Victims of Sexual Abuse: A Model for Building Self-Esteem. Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Baltimore, MA, November.
Heide, K. M. (1991). Child Maltreatment and Adolescent Parricide: Intervention and Prevention Strategies. Forty-third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November.
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (1991). Responses to Severe Childhood Maltreatment: Homicidal Fantasies and Other Survival Strategies. Forty-third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November.
Kuhns, J. B., Heide, K. M., & Silverman, I. J. (1991). Drug Use and Treatment Among Female Prostitutes and Female Arrestees. Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November.
Scudder, R., Blount, W. R., Heide, K. M., & Silverman, I. J. (1991). Important Links between Child Abuse and Delinquency. Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November.
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (1992). Responses to Severe Childhood Maltreatment: Homicidal Fantasies, Dissociation, and Other Survival Strategies. Southeastern Women's Studies Association 16th Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, March.
Heide, K. M. (1992). Homicide: 25 Years Later. Economic and Social Issues in the New South: Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity, presented by the Institute on Black Life, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, September.
Heide, K. M. (1992). Juvenile Involvement in Multiple Offender and Multiple Victim Parricides. The Conference of Police and Criminal Psychology Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, October.
Heide, K. M. (1992). Child Maltreatment and Parricide: A Clinician's View. Forty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA, November. (Presented twice)
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (1992). Responses to Childhood Maltreatment: Delinquency, Alcohol and Drug Use, and Other Coping Strategies. Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA, November.
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (1993). The SCS Survey: Measuring Childhood Maltreatment and Coping Strategies Used by Survivors of Childhood Trauma. Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, AZ, October.
Heide, K. M. (1993). Weapons Used by Juveniles and Adults to Kill Parents. Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, AZ, October.
Keeney, B. T. & Heide, K. M. (1993). Gender Differences in Serial Murderers. Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Phoenix, AZ, October.
Heide, K. M. (1994). The Menendez Murders: Parricide in Perspective. Third Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Group, Atlanta, GA, June.
Keeney, B. T. & Heide, K. M. (1994). Serial Murder: A More Accurate and Inclusive Definition. Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Miami, FL, November. (Presented twice)
McCready, B. & Heide, K. M. (1994). Serial Murderers from Minority Groups: A Preliminary Analysis. Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Miami, FL, November.
Solomon, E. P. & Heide, K. M. (1994). Intervention Strategies for Victims of Trauma: A Brief Therapy Model. Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Miami, FL, November.
Heide, K. M. (1995). Dangerously Antisocial Kids Who Kill Their Parents. Academy of the Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, MA, March.
Heide, K. M. (1995). Juvenile Homicide in the United States: Trends and Contributing Factors. Cause of Juvenile Homicide. Fourth Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Group, Ottawa, Canada, June.
Heide, K. M. (1995). Why Kids Keep Killing: The Correlates, Causes, and Challenge of Juvenile Homicide. Paper presented twice. (1) Invited presentation by the Center for Disease Control given at the National Conference on Violence Prevention, Des Moines, Iowa, October; (2) Forty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, MA, November.
Solomon, E. P. & Heide, K. M. (1995). A Solution-Focused Model for Treating Victims and Offenders: Strategies for Rapid Rapport Building. Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, MA, November.
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (1996). Mental Health Professionals in Forensic Arenas. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, NV, March.
Heide, K. M. (1996). Dangerously antisocial kids who kill their parents: Understanding the phenomenon better. Fifth Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Group, Santa Monica, CA, June.
Heide, K. M. and Solomon, E. P. (1996). Intervention strategies with juvenile homicide offenders. Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November.
Heide, K. M. (1997). Today's Music and Youth Violence. Sixth Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Group, Sheperdstown, West Virginia, June.
Solomon, E. P. & Heide, K. M. (1997). Type III Trauma: Toward a More Effective
Conceptualization of Psychological Trauma. Forty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November.
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (1998). Music Preferences as Data in Assessing
and Treating Offenders and Victims, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, March.
Heide, K. M. (1998). Keynote Address: School Shootings and Youth Violence–What's Going on in the U.S.? Seventh Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Group, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June.
Heide, K. M. (1998). Reducing Youth Violence in the 21st Century. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Group, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June.
Heide, K. M. (1998). Author Meets Critics -- Young Killers: The Challenge of Juvenile Homicide. Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November.
Solomon, E. P. & Heide, K. M. (1998). Medical Self-Neglect by Victims of Childhood Abuse. Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November.
Heide, K. M., Solomon, E. P., Hopkins E. C., & Spencer, E. (1999). School Shootings in the U.S.: The Portrait of Lethal Violence and the Blueprint for Prevention. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL, March.
Solomon, E. P. & Heide, K. M. (1999). Levels of Psychological Trauma: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment. 24th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada, June.
Heide, K. M., Solomon, E. P., Hopkins E. C., & Spencer, E. (1999). A typology of School Shootings in the U.S. Eighth Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Group, FBI Academy, Quantico, VI, June.
Bowman, M., Territo, L., & Heide, K. M. (1999). Stress and the Female Police Officer. Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada, November.
Heide, K. M., Solomon, E. P., & Spencer, E. (1999). Who's In, Who's Out, and Who's Back: Follow-Up Data on 59 Juvenile Murderers Incarcerated in the Early 1980s. Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada, November.
Schlaupitz, S., Cochran, J., Heide, K. M., & Sellers, C. (2000). Race, Religion, and Attitudes toward Capital Punishment: An Indirect Test of Reference Group Theory. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, March. (Paper reviewed and revised by Kathleen Heide for distribution to Court personnel.)
Merz-Perez, L., Heide, K. M., Silverman, I., & Lockwood, R. (2000). Childhood Cruelty to Animals and Subsequent Violence Against Humans. Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November.
Heide, K. M. (2000). Personality Development of Juvenile Murderers and Its Relationship to Post-Release Success. Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November.
Spencer, E., Heide, K. M., Palacios, W. R., & Halsted, J. B. (2001). Juvenile Murderers and Post-Release Success. Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November.
Thompson, A., Heide, K. M., Palacios, W. R., & Halsted, J. B. (2001). The Relationship of Juvenile Homicide Offense Characteristics to Post-Release Success: A Follow-Up Study. Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November.
Boots, D. P., Cochran, J. K., & Heide, K. M. (2001). Using Attribution theory to Explain the Bases of Public Support Toward the Death Penalty for Juveniles, the Mentally Ill, and the Mentally Retarded. Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November.
Solomon, E. P., Heide, K. M., & Steed, T. P. (2001). The Cost of Disclosure by Victims of Sexual Abuse: Clinical and Cultural Perspectives. Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November.
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (2002). Recent Findings in Neurophysiology: Implications for Fundamental Notions of Justice and Offender Accountability. Paper presented at the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November.
Boots, D. P., Cochran, J. K., & Heide, K. M. (2002). Using the Factorial Survey to Measure Death Penalty Support for Special Offender Populations: Juveniles, the Mentally Incompetent, and the Mentally Retarded. Paper presented at the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November.
Heide, K. M. & Petee, T. (2003) Parents Who Get Killed and the Children Who Kill Them: An Examination of 24 Years of Data. Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Working Group, Sacramento, California, June.
Heide, K M. & Boots, D. P. (2003) An In-depth Look at Kids Who Kill Parents and What Happens to Them. Paper presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver , November.
Heide, K. M. & Boots, D. P. (2003). Parricide from Two Perspectives: Findings from SHR and NIBRS Data. Paper presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver , November.
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (2004). Parental Neglect in Cases of Kids Who Kill Parents. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, March.
Heide, K. M., Boots, D. P., Alldredge, C., Donerly, B., & White, J. (2004). Battered Child Syndrome: An Overview of Case Law and Legislation. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, March.
Heide, K. M. (2004). Juvenile Homicide. Paper prepared at the invitation of Queen Sofia of Spain and presented at the International Meeting on the Biology and Sociology of Violence: Youth Violence in October, Valencia, Spain.
Heide, K. M. & Solomon, E. P. (2004). The Biology of Neglect and Abuse: Implications for Adolescent Parricide Offenders. Paper presented at the Fifty-sixth annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Nashville, Tennessee, November.
Boots, D. P. & Heide, K. M. (2004). A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Kids who Kill Parents and What Happens to Them. Paper presented at the Fifty-sixth annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Nashville, Tennessee, November.
Solomon, E. P. & Heide, K. M. (2005). The Biology of Childhood Trauma: Is It Time To Rethink Our Concepts of Accountability and Justice? Invited paper presented at the International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Paris, July.
Heide, K.M. & Solomon, E.P. (2005). What Happens to Kids Who Kill Parents? A Follow-Up Study. Paper presented at the Fifty-seventh annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada, November.
Heide, K.M. & Solomon, E.P. (2006).The Experiences and Reflections of Adolescent Parricide Offenders Years After the Killings. Powerpoint presented at the Fifty-eighth annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November 2006.
McCurdy, J. & Heide, K.M. (2007). The Death Penalty in Parricide Cases Involving Juvenile Offenders. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Seattle, WA, March 2007.
Heide, K.M. & Solomon, E.P. (2007). Matricides by Female Adolescents: Why Girls Kill Their Mothers. Invited paper presented at the International Congress of Law and Mental Health, Padua, Italy, Padua, Italy, June 2007.
Heide, K.M., Beauregard, E., & Myers, W.C. (2007). Sex-Related Child Abduction Homicides. Invited paper presented at the International Congress of Law and Mental Health, Padua, Italy, Padua, Italy, June 2007.
Heide, K.M. & Boots, D. P. (2007) A Comparative Analysis of Media Reports of U.S. Parricide Cases With Officially Reported National Crime Data and the Psychiatric and Psychological Literature. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, November 2007.
Heide, K.M. & Solomon, E.P. (2007). Female Juvenile Murderers: Biological and Psychological Dynamics Leading to Homicide. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, November 2007.
Heide, K.M. & Solomon, E.P. (2008). Childhood Trauma And Murder: The Role Of Biological and Psychological Factors In Defense And Mitigation. Keynote Address (and paper) presented at the Homicide Research Working Group Annual Meeting, Sam Houston, Huntsville, Texas.
Heide, K.M., Roe-Sepowitz, D., & Solomon, E.P. (2008). Juvenile Homicide Offenders: An Analysis of 30 Years of U.S. Data by Gender. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, MO, November 2008.
Chan, H.C. & Heide, K.M. (2008). Sexual Homicide: A Synthesis of the Literature. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, MO, November 2008.
Heide, K.M. & Solomon, E.P. (2009). Treatment Considerations for Juvenile Homicide Offenders, Adolescent Parricide Offenders, and Other Violent Youths. Invited presentation (powerpoint) at the International Congress of Law and Mental Health, New York, NY, July.
Heide, K.M., Roe-Sepowitz, D., Solomon, E.P., Chan, H.C., & Sellers, B.G. (2009). When Boys and Girls Kill: An Empirical Analysis of 32 Years of U.S. Data By Offender Gender and Offender Age. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, November 2009.
Chan, H.C. & Heide, K.M. (2009). Weapons Used by Juvenile and Adult Offenders in Sexual Homicides: An Empirical Analysis of 29 years of U.S. Data. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, November 2009.