Professor, University of South Florida, Department of Criminology. Present rank: Tenured Full Professor. Areas of specialization: juvenile homicide and parricide, individual and family violence, treatment and intervention strategies with offenders and survivors of trauma, personality assessment, and juvenile justice. Employment history and rank at USF: Hired as an Assistant Professor, August 1981. Tenured and promoted to Associate Professor, Spring 1987 and Promoted to Full Professor, Spring 1994. Tenure and Promotion decisions had the unanimous support of the Departmental and College Tenure and Promotion Committees, the Provost, and the President.
Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), University of South Florida, July 2003 to February 2005. CAS is the largest college at USF, a Research I, Carnegie Doctoral Extensive university, and is responsible for a budget of over $80 million dollars. CAS has 27 departments in four cognate areas: sciences, social sciences, humanities and professional programs. The College's 500 faculty and 150 staff serve approximately 17,000 majors enrolled in 65 undergraduate majors and concentrations, 36 masters, and 14 doctoral degree programs. Many of these programs are nationally ranked.
Associate Dean for Faculty and Program Development, College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Florida, August 2001-June 2003. Responsibilities included recruitment, faculty development, tenure and promotion, sabbaticals and faculty leaves, honors and awards, faculty governance, retirement, and disciplinary matters.
Author/co-author of three books and approximately 100 publications and 80 professional papers.
Recipient of six awards for teaching excellence, including USF's most prestigious award, the Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teacher Award.
Member or former member of more than 10 community and state boards of directors, councils, or task forces.
Appointed to the Florida Sentencing Commission by former Governor Chiles for 2 year term, 1994 - 1996; reappointed in 1997 to a second term.
Consultant to the National Institute of Justice, National Institute of Health, and many state agencies (see CV Addendum for additional information).
Licensed as a Mental Health Counselor, State of Florida, since November 1990. Main theoretical orientations utilized in individual and group therapy are cognitive-behavioral and gestalt/humanistic. Primary populations treated are adolescents and adults. Areas of specialization include working with survivors of traumatic experiences, including child abuse (particularly sexual abuse), understanding the dynamics in dysfunctional families, and utilizing cognitive restructuring and emotional release techniques in treating depression, anxiety, and trauma-related disorders.
More than 1400 hours of post-doctoral training in psychology, psychotherapy/mental health counseling, forensic evaluation, etc. Complete listing of workshops taken, dates, instructors, and Continuing Education Credits can be found on my Addendum to CV.
Certified in Hypnosis by the National Board for Clinical Hypnotherapists and in Neuro Linguistic Programming (Practitioner Level) by the Southern Institute of NLP.
Court-appointed expert at the motion of defense counsel and prosecutors in matters relating to homicide, violence, and juveniles and families in Florida Circuit Courts and in various jurisdictions across the United States (see CV Addendum for additional information).
Qualified as an expert to testify in psychology, criminology, adolescent homicide and parricide, child abuse, dysfunctional family, psychotherapy, personality assessment, mental health counseling, and forensic evaluation in Florida Circuit Courts and in various jurisdictions across the United States (see CV Addendum for additional information).
Retained by former Governor Chiles and the Florida Parole Commission in matters related to clemency.
Frequent consultant to the national print and electronic media on matters relating to juvenile crime and youth violence (including Newsweek, U.S. News and World Reports, Psychology Today, Oprah magazine, CosmoGirl!, New York Times, U.S.A. Today, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and Associated Press) and numerous international newspapers and magazine feature articles (including Facts and Epoca', Switzerland and Brazil equivalents of Newsweek). I have also appeared as an expert on many national talk and news shows including Larry King Live, CNN, Good Morning America, and Fox News.
Former member (including multiple terms as President) of boards of directors of two waterfront homeowner associations and former vice-president of board of directors of multi-million dollar marina association.
Member of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary -- certified instructor, certified crew, certified coxswain, certified aids to navigation verifier; active in search and rescue (SAR) and port security operations in Tampa Bay area, federal government security clearance.