I have given more than 60 presentations/workshops to professional audiences on topics related to my research since coming to USF. Presentations have been from 1 hour to 8 hours in length. A complete listing of titles, length of presentation, and dates is listed on the Addendum to my CV. (In a few cases, co-presenters, also listed on CV Addendum, were involved.) Presentations that awarded Continuing Education Credits by mental health boards are noted by an asterisk *. Below I have highlighted the topic areas and the groups to which I have presented.
Adolescent murderers or parricide offenders (topics included
incidence, factors fueling escalation, assessment, treatment, and
-- Shawbridge Youth Centres, Montreal, Canada (5/83)
-- Hillsborough County Defense Lawyers, Tampa (8/84)
-- American Detectives Association, Pinellas Park (10/84)
-- Hillsborough County Public Defender’s Office (2/85)
-- Pinellas-Pasco Public Defender’s Office (2/85)
-- FL Public Defender’s Association, Orlando (3/87)
-- FL Public Defender’s Association, Cocoa Beach (3/90)
-- FL Dept. of Law Enforcement Detectives, Tampa (3/92)
-- U.S. Air Force Family Advocacy Conference, Orlando (5/92)
-- Tampa Bay Association of Women Psychotherapists (6/92)
-- U.S. Air Force
Family Advocacy Directors from all over world, San Antonio, Texas (3/93)
-- Tampa Nurse Practitioners/Clinical Specialists (4/93)
-- Florida Mental
Health Institute Department of Law, Mental Health and Policy (6/93)
-- Florida Juvenile Justice conference (6/93)
-- Hillsborough Co. school counselors (400-500) (10/94)
* -- Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association., Orlando (4/96)
* -- Florida Psychological Association, (2/97)
-- Guardian Ad Litem volunteers, Tampa (2/97 and 4/97)
-- USF/Tampa General Hospital Psychiatry Center (4/97)
-- Safe Schools Conference, Orlando (12/97)
-- Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse (1/98)
-- Pinellas County Department of Juvenile Justice (4/98)
-- Hillsborough County Department of Juvenile Justice (4/98)
-- Criminal Justice practitioners/community leaders, Mobile, AL (5/98)
-- School Resource Officers, Tampa Police Academy (7/98)
* -- Tampa Bay Association For Women Psychotherapists (12/98)
-- Hillsborough County Crisis Intervention Counselors (12/98)
* -- Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Association and Florida Juvenile Justice Association (2/99)
-- Hillsborough County mental health professionals (2/99)
* -- Mobile Mental Health Seminars, Gulf Shore, AL (3/99)
* -- Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency, Clearwater (9/99)
* -- University of Central Florida, Orlando (6/01)
* -- Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge (4/02)
-- Tampa Bay Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists (5/02)
* -- National Organization of Forensic Social Workers (5/04)
-- Hillsborough County Department of Children's Services (6/04)
-- Bureau of Justice
Statistics/Justice Research and Statistics Association (10/05)
* -- Drexel University College of
Medicine, Annual Forensic Rights and Treatment Conference (11/05)
* -- Florida Psychological Association, Pinellas Chapter (11/07)
* -- Florida Psychological Association, Hillsborough Chapter (3/08)
* -- USF Psychlogy Department (5/08)
Family Violence/Child Abuse and Trauma (topics included etiology, assessment, and treatment issues)
-- Child Abuse Committee of Florida Annual Conference, Tampa (1/89)
-- Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (9/89)
-- George Washington Medical School (11/90)
-- Charter Hospital, Tampa (5/92)
-- Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (9/92)
-- USF Counselor Education Graduate Students (10/92)
-- Hillsborough County Law Educational Mini-Conference (2/93)
* -- 150 mental health
professionals/social services (11/93) Co-sponsored by USF and Center
for Mental Health
* -- Southern Institute of NLP, Orlando (2/94)
-- Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, Orlando (9/94)
* -- 120 mental health
professionals, sponsored by Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI)
* -- Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association, Orlando (1/95)
-- Tampa Community College (3/95)
-- Florida Statewide Prevention Conference, Orlando (3/95)
* -- 90 mental health professionals
co-sponsored by USF and Stetson University, Orlando (3/95)
* -- Center Seminars and Center for Mental Health (4/95)
* -- Center Seminars and Center for Mental Health (5/95)
* -- In-service training, G. Pierce Wood Memorial Hospital sponsored by FMHI (5/95)
* -- Pinellas County Schools and Juvenile Welfare Board, St. Petersburg (9/95)
-- National Development Research Institute (NDRI), New York (6/96)
* -- USF/Tampa General Hospital Psychiatry Center (1/97)
-- Hillsborough Tomorrow Constituency (2/97)
-- Association for Women in Psychology Annual Conference, Tampa (2/05)
* -- Texas Public Defender’s
Association Conference on Mitigating Factors in Capital Cases (7/07)
Crisis Intervention (topics included responses to sexual assault, victimization, sexual behavior of children)
-- Tampa Police Department (8/92)
-- USF Crisis Counselors, Victims’ Advocate Office (9/92)
-- Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (2/94)
In addition to presentations and workshops given to the professional audiences listed above, I have also given talks to general audiences in the community about my research. A complete listing of titles, length of presentation, and dates is listed on the Addendum to my CV, a copy of which is available on my web page.
The groups to which I have made presentations include CAS “Lunch with a Scholar Program”, the USF Alumni Association, the American Criminal Justice Association, the Florida Leadership Forum (FL Center for the Humanities), the Senior Class at Torchlight Ceremony, the Optimists Club, the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce, the Tampa Tribune sponsored Brain Event, Athena Society, Ivy League Club of Tampa Bay, the Kiwanis Club, the Vassar Club of Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay Business and Community leaders “Lunch with a Genius Program,” USF’s “Year of the Authors” Celebration, Canterbury Towers Retirement Community, Hyde Park Methodist Church, Florida Department of Corrections volunteers., and Phi Beta Kappa.
Presentations I have made on adolescent homicide and parricide made to various student groups include USF graduate students in Social Work, Counselor Education, Psychology, Public Health, and Medicine; USF undergraduate students in criminology and psychology; undergraduate students at Tampa College and Florida Metropolitan University, and King and Freedom High Schools.